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Williams Landing Shopping Centre - Stage 1
Cnr Overton Rd & Ross St, Williams Landing

Contract Type: Design and Construct
Client: Cedar Woods Properties Limited
Architect: Hames Sharley
The Williams Landing Shopping Centre - Stage 1 Project was a new stand-alone shopping centre building development. The development included a Woolworths Supermarket (4,253m2), Specialty retail tenancies (20 No.), Kiosk (2 No.), Levels 1 and 2 commercial office space with amenities area, Centre amenities, substation switchroom, loading areas and other associated areas, main pylon sign and Centre signage, Kids play area, on-grade car parking, vertical lift and lift lobby area, landscaping irrigation.
The site is located immediately adjacent to the recently constructed Masters Store, previously completed by Hacer Group. The site was mostly unoccupied and was largely surrounded by vacant land where infrastructure works were underway to facilitate new housing. The is bounded by Kendal Road, Overton Road, and (proposed) Ross Street.
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