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Burwood Brickworks Shopping Centre
70 Middleborough Road, Burwood East

Contract Type: Design & Construct / ECI model
Client: Frasers Property Australia Pty Ltd
Architect: NH Architecture
Winning the 2020 Master Builders Victoria Excellence in Construction Awards for the Best Sustainable Project award, Burwood Brickworks Shopping Centre is aiming for full accreditation under the Living Building Challenge, striving to be the first retail building worldwide to do so.
Branded as the “world’s most sustainable shopping centre”, the mega-sustainable retail development will fall within the GreenStar’s 6-star ‘world leadership’ category, recycle and store excess water on site and use natural resources to power the building.
Our involvement through the ECI process on this project has allowed Frasers Property to ensure their project was delivered at a ‘world class’ standard, with time and costs associated with the project risks managed.
Comprised on a basement and two upper levels,
the centre includes the following facilities:
Woolworths Supermarket
Dan Murphys
Urban Farm, including restaurant and café
Tenancy space for 30 speciality stores and kiosks
Basement and On-Grade carparks
To date the project has received a number of accolades.
Awarded Australia’s Best Sustainable Development – New
Buildings and Best Shopping Centre Development for 2021;
Winner of the Rider Levett Bucknall Australian Development of
the Year; Landcom Award for Best Sustainable Development -
New Buildings; and the Hames Sharley Award for Best
Shopping Centre Development.
The project was completed December 2019.

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